About Me
Hello! My name is Kippy and I was born on May 22, 1986. My parents, Jennifer and Wes, gave birth to me at the Holloman Air Force Base in Alamogordo, NM. I was only with my mother for 4 hours before I was taken from her and brough to the laboratory nursery to be hand raised. Although I was a good candidate for research, I was never assigned to any protocol. However, over the next 10 years, I was often sick with a very poor appetite. Eventually I was transferred to The Coulston Foundation and entered into a breeding program.
I was rescued by Save the Chimps after living in a cage for 16 years. Today I live with some amazing chimps as part of Doug’s family. I get to explore a huge island, play with my best friends and eat lots of amazing food. You can often see me hanging out with my gal pals, Reba, Sandy and Andrea the 2nd. We love to run around all over the island and show our human caregivers how much we love them. I am such a playful girl with an inquisitive side as I am frequently watching my human caregivers. I love to lay out in the sun and soak in the beautiful Florida weather.
- Doug
Favorite Things
- Playing
- Blankets
- Exploring
- Playful
- Spirited
- Inquisitive