About Me
I was born March 1, 1997, to my parents Ethyl and Emory. I spent five years at the Coulston Foundation, a biomedical research laboratory in New Mexico. Fortunately, when I was just five years old, Save the Chimps took over the Coulston Foundation, rescuing the 266 chimpanzees residing there, including me. Chimpanzee social groups were formed and I became the alpha of Tapioca’s family. I fit in well with this rambunctious group and enjoy striding along the island, often with blankets in tow. I’m also close friends with Alari and Noah. I appear stoic at first but then turn into the biggest goof and will play chase and flip upside-down and do headstands in my exuberant play sessions. I am handsome and well-loved and respected by humans and chimpanzees alike.
- Tapioca
Favorite Things
- Blankets
- Headstands
- Peaches
- Goofy
- Rambunctious
- Friendly