Enjoy this wonderful archived video of the chimps enjoying their favorite holiday compliments of our friends at CNN.

We wanted to take this moment to thank you for making our work possible. It is because of YOU that the chimps are happy, heathly, have a peaceful retirement and are finally living the life they have always deserved.
In the spirit of the season, we would like to
share with you our holiday classic… |
“The 12 Isles of Chimpmas!” |
On the first day of Chimpmas Tanya’s Island asked of thee:
Applesauce because its so sweet! |
On the second day of Chimpmas Ron’s Island asked of thee:
Oatmeal, pasta or rice to warm our bellies! |
On the third day of Chimpmas Kiley’s Island asked of thee:
Detergent, sanitizer and paper towels to keep our buildings clean. |
On the fourth day of Chimpmas Lou’s Island asked of thee:
Kong dog toys to hide our special treats! |
On the fifth day of Chimpmas Alice’s Island asked of thee:
Peanut butter and jelly – you know we eat over 900 pb&j’s a week?! |
On the sixth day of Chimpmas Seve’s Island asked of thee:
Dried fruits and craisins for our island browse! |
On the seventh day of Chimpmas Bobby’s Island asked of thee:
Fleece throws so we can bundle up! |
On the eighth day of Chimpmas Air Force Island asked of thee:
Paint, paint brushes and canvases – because we like to be creative! |
On the ninth day of Chimpmas Rufus’ Island asked of thee:
Nuts in shells because they’re so crunchy & good for us too! |
On the tenth day of Chimpmas Tapioca’s Island asked of thee:
Powerade, ‘cause we love it so! |
On the eleventh day of Chimpmas Freddy’s Island asked of thee:
Sunflower seeds ‘cause their fun to eat! |
On the twelth day of Chimpmas Doug’s Island asked of thee:
That your holidays be shared with those you love and filled with peace and happiness. |
A Big Pant Hoot to all of you!!
Merry Chimpmas!!!