Advisory Council Member

Anjelica Huston

Speaking out for Chimps

Angelica Huston

Actress and director Anjelica Huston , who has served as a Save the Chimps advisory board member since February 2010, has written a wonderful opinion piece currently featured on the Huffington Post.  Anjelica writes about the Alamogordo Primate Facility (APF) chimps and the need for all of us to pay more attention to the plight of chimps used in the research and entertainment industries.

Please take a moment to read her blog post, and also to watch the video she narrated that tells the remarkable history of Save the Chimps.

On behalf of everyone at Save the Chimps – chimps especially – we would like to thank Anjelica Huston for her compassion and for speaking out for them.

Help support Save the Chimps provide permanent sanctuary to nearly 300 chimpanzees.





Zeke Feb 2011 Resized