Let’s go green for St. Paddy’s Day!

For National Nutrition Month, we’re raising money for healthy and nutritious meals for our residents. They love all types of greens including celery, kale, and romaine. In the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day and National Nutrition Month, send greens to the chimps!

Our chimpanzee residents are lucky to have such amazing supporters. Thank you for all you do and Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, from all of us at Save the Chimps.

Gabe eating celery.jpg $17.55 sponsors the celery that Gabe loves to crunch on.

Ragan Kale.png $22.83 sponsors the delicious kale that keeps Ragan healthy.

Yolanda-eating-romaine-500x500-c.jpeg $29.78 sponsors the romaine that Yolanda loves.

If you have already donated during Nutrition month, thank you!