About Me
I was born March 24, 1998, at The Coulston Foundation, a New Mexico biomedical research lab, to my mother Linda, and my father Marc. I was taken from Linda eleven hours after my birth and raised by humans in the lab’s nursery. When I was just 18 months old, I was shipped to Bioqual, a lab in Maryland. There, my records stop. I was sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta at some point in my life because that’s where Save the Chimps rescued me from in 2006.
Today, I am a member of Late’s Group, which includes my father Marc. I am a shy chimp who likes to snuggle with blankets and toys, and I prefer the company of my best friend, Comet. Together, we enjoy basking in the Florida sunshine on our island home.
- Late
Favorite Things
- Blankets
- Comet
- Toys
- Shy
- Reserved