About Me
I was born May 16, 1993, to my mother Bernice, and my father Roman at The Coulston Foundation (TCF), a research lab in Alamogordo, NM. I was allowed to stay with my mother, unlike most chimps who were born at TCF. Unfortunately, when I was five months old, I was severely injured in an altercation between my mother, and other members of the breeding group, and I was admitted to the laboratory nursery. I recovered from my injuries within a year, but I was never reintroduced to my mother. I was never assigned to any biomedical research protocols, but I was anesthetized four times per year for physicals and blood draws.
In 2002, I was rescued by Save the Chimps when TCF was on the verge of bankruptcy. Today, I live at a sanctuary in Florida, and I enjoy the company of some of the youngest chimps, including Marlon, Dylan, and Melody. I am a reserved but friendly chimp, and I enjoy the wide-open spaces of my island home. I also will occasionally experiment with painting, an activity that is enjoyed by many of the residents at Save the Chimps.
- Ron
Favorite Things
- Painting
- Overhead Tunnels
- Playing
- Creative
- Playful
- Joyful