About Me
I was born May 15, 1990, to my mother Tami and father Tarzan at The Coulston Foundation, a research lab in Alamogordo, NM. I was taken from my mother when I was four days old and raised by humans in the nursery. When I was just 6 months old, I was anesthetized for the first time for a research study, and by the time I was three years old, I had been anesthetized 35 times with ketamine. Unsurprisingly, I am afraid of needles.
Save the Chimps rescued me in 2002 and found me living in the building they called The Dungeon. Today my life is very different from my lab days. I now live on a large island with a chimpanzee family called Seve’s Family and am good friends with Doc, one of the males in the group. I enjoy carrying and playing with stuffed toys, particularly those with a squeaker. I have also taken up expressing myself through painting.
- Seve
Favorite Things
- Stuffed Animals
- Mandy
- Painting
- Kind
- Protective