Hello, my name is





Rescued From


About Me

Gabby was born to her parents, Kitty and George, on May 1, 1987. She was one of the “lucky” babies born at The Coulston Foundation, as she was allowed to stay with her mother for two and a half years before being weaned and taken away to begin her life as a laboratory test subject.

In 2002, Gabby was rescued when Save the Chimps took over The Coulston Foundation. Overnight, she went from living in a lab with the worst record in history for violations of the Animal Welfare Act to a safe and caring sanctuary environment. She began receiving meals of fresh produce and soft blankets to nest in daily. Her life improved drastically with all the positive changes happening around her.

As a true sanctuary, Save the Chimps does not actively breed. To prevent pregnancies, the males have been vasectomized. However, despite these efforts, “oopsie babies” have occasionally been born at the sanctuary. In 2005, Gabby gave birth to her son, Gabe, as the result of a failed vasectomy. Unlike her own mother, who was unable to raise her, Gabby was given the chance to raise her son. She has proven to be a wonderful and devoted mother, always keeping a watchful eye on Gabe even now that he is an adult.

Gabby is bold and adventurous, never afraid to stand up and protect the members of her group. One day, a non-venomous snake found its way into Tanya’s building. While the other chimpanzees were scared, keeping their distance and alarm calling, Gabby took action. Using a stick and maintaining a safe distance, she skillfully encouraged the snake out of the area, ensuring the safety of her family.

In addition to her bravery, Gabby is very social and well-respected within her group. She is often seen grooming other members, strengthening her bonds, and reinforcing her place within the family. Her kind and confident nature makes her a valued companion among her peers.

Today, Gabby spends her days relaxing in the Florida sun on a beautiful island, with her son by her side and surrounded by her loving chimpanzee family. The dark memories of the lab are a distant past as she enjoys her present life and looks forward to a bright future.


  • Tanya

Favorite Things

  • Gabe
  • Dried Nuts
  • Blankets


  • Caring
  • Relaxed
  • Loving