This virtual exhibit of paintings by humans with chimps is presented by the Aston Martin Residences to benefit Save the Chimps – the first non-profit to be associated with the iconic luxury residences in Miami.
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The red and yellow paintings are collaborations between The B-52s and ape artists from Save the Chimps Florida sanctuary. Singers Kate Pierson and Fred Schneider painted the base coats based on the band’s most popular album covers, then chose color combos for the chimps to use. Each piece is named after a B-52s song or lyric and is signed by the band members. All proceeds benefit Save the Chimps.
The Andy Warhol pieces are original prints by Warhol photographer Karen Bystedt, who brought them to the sanctuary for chimps to paint on—much like Warhol painted on photos of celebrities! Save the Chimps will receive 70% of the proceeds from this exclusive photo collection.
Rounding out the exhibit are five paintings featuring chrome backgrounds with colorful brushstrokes added by ape artists, each piece named for a classic Aston Martin model. All proceeds benefit the sanctuary.
Shipping costs vary based on location. Questions? Contact Dan Mathews: DMathews@SavetheChimps.org