This year, we thought you’d enjoy hearing from some other folks on the Save the Chimps team. We all see the impact of your support every day, and we all appreciate the commitment you’ve made! My name is Dave. I’m a welder by trade, but my role on the maintenance staff could be described as “anything and everything.” When someone describes a project that needs to be done, I can build it. Storm preparation and readiness? We do that. Building platform puzzle feeders for variety and enrichment? That, too. Keeping the equipment here running? That’s part of the job as well. My Maintenance teammates and I do all this and more thanks to you. Please make your year-end gift to Save the Chimps today. Just think about what it takes to keep this sanctuary running. We have 12 islands and nearly 250 chimpanzees. There’s always something going on. We need to be ready for anything! And we rely on your support to provide whatever the chimps need. We’re always trying to make things better, keep the chimps safe, be prepared for storms, create new enrichment opportunities, and more … with your help. Right now $20,000 is available to double your donation. That doesn’t happen every day! But we want to raise every dollar before December 31. We haven’t reached this goal yet with $13,815 raised so far, but with your help we can get there. I am proud to work at Save the Chimps. This place has given me just as much as I have given to it. Thank you for being a part of our community. And thank you for sending a gift during our year-end campaign. When you give today, your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar, for twice the impact.
December 14, 2018