Adopt Emily for $64 and receive a one-year membership and free Save the Chimps lapel pin!

“Most people don’t realize chimpanzees can live into their sixties, thus their lifelong care at sanctuaries is a costly commitment. I was happy to donate “When I’m Sixty-Four” to Save the Chimps’ new fundraising campaign, as nearly half of the 200+ rescued chimps they look after are seniors.”
-Paul McCartney
The heartwarming 30-second musical spot features many of our senior residents, including our oldest chimp, Emily, age 58. Chimps endure many of the same aging ailments as humans, including arthritis and heart disease, for which our vet team devises personalized treatments for Emily and our other seniors.
Your donation will also help provide our beloved chimps with fresh and nutritious meals, exceptional veterinary care, innovative enrichment, and the social companionship necessary for the chimps to live happy and full lives.