The compassion and dedication of Save the Chimps’ volunteers is truly inspiring. Our volunteers help us fulfill our mission and it is our honor to dedicate a day to celebrate them.
In 2015, our loyal volunteers devoted 8,348 hours to serving the chimps by preparing their meals, making enrichment, assisting with office work, tabling outreach events around the country, and so much more. Their efforts have truly enriched the lives of the more than 250 chimpanzees in our care.
As true ambassadors of the chimps, our volunteers help “Speak Out For Them,” just as our logo states. In 2015, our volunteers gave 12 individual presentations to a collective audience of over 400 attendees, tabled 17 events in six states, and distributed 2,100 pieces of educational and promotional material about the Sanctuary.
Every year we dedicate a special day to recognize and celebrate the incredible and tireless efforts of the more than 100 individuals who volunteer at Save the Chimps. This year’s event included a special party on Ron’s island for all to enjoy – chimps and humans alike. High winds brought lunch indoors but that didn’t spoil the fun. A delicious vegetarian lunch was followed by recognizing each volunteer for the hours they contributed in 2015. The event closed with a presentation by Save the Chimps’ veterinarian, Dr. Jocelyn Bezner.
Special thanks to Save the Chimps’ Board Member, Tracey Lovitz, for underwriting this event honoring our Chimp Champions.
Volunteers, they are amazing people.