Save the Chimps’ mission has always been to provide refuge and exemplary care to chimpanzees in need, as well as share our knowledge and experience with like-minded providers and conservationists around the globe.
While our core values never change, we do continue to grow and evolve as an organization. To that end, we are delighted to share our new logo and website, launching today!
Our goal in redesigning the website is to provide visitors with an even better way to learn about the chimps in our care and support our vital work. At the same web address, you will find an upgraded design as well as many new interactive and educational features.
We also believe that our new logo––at the top of this page––visually speaks to who we are and our vision of a world in which chimpanzees are free from exploitation and can live out their lives in freedom and community with other chimps.
As we embark on this new chapter, we hope you find our efforts fresh and engaging. For any questions, suggestions, feedback, or comments, please email
We deeply appreciate your shared enthusiasm and continued support.
Thank you!
The Save the Chimps Team