Save the Chimps announces the arrival of two additional residents to our Florida sanctuary: Connor and Kramer. Connor and Kramer are eight-year-old male chimps who grew up together as household pets. Their previous owner sought a sanctuary to take them in on an emergency basis when she realized that chimpanzees do not make appropriate pets, and faced growing pressure from her local community to relocate the chimps. Collaborating with Project ChimpCare, which had been advising Connor and Kramer’s caretaker for more than a year, and the Center for Great Apes to determine placement for Connor and Kramer, Save the Chimps accepted Connor and Kramer into our care. Although they were initially a bit overwhelmed by their new surroundings, they settled in quickly and were thrilled to be released onto an island! Of course, the caregivers fell quickly in love with these two charming fellows. Although they are half-brothers, their personalities are very different. Kramer is generally very quiet and serious, although he does have a secret playful side. Connor is bolder and very rambunctious. His favorite spot is high up on the largest island platform, but he always comes running at full speed when it’s time to eat! Both boys love to “display” so that everyone knows how big and tough they are!
For the time being, Connor and Kramer have a whole island to themselves until introductions already in progress are completed at other buildings. Then Connor and Kramer will meet other chimps for the first time and join a chimpanzee family.
Like all individuals or organizations that turn over custody of chimpanzees to STC, Connor and Kramer’s human family agreed never to acquire another chimpanzee again. Chimpanzees are not companion animals and do not belong in a human household. Infant chimpanzees sold as pets are cruelly kidnapped from their
birth mothers, and as the baby chimp grows up, they become increasingly dangerous and difficult for humans to manage. Until the demand for chimpanzee babies from breeders ceases, sanctuaries will continue to be faced with the challenge of providing safe haven for scores of former pets.
How you can help
- Never buy a chimpanzee, monkey, or other exotic animal as a pet.
- Educate family and friends about the problem with keeping chimps as pets.
- Write to your local and state legislators and encourage them to develop laws prohibiting keeping primates as pets in your city or state, if such laws don’t exist already.
- Make a donation today to provide for Connor and Kramer’s care at Save the Chimps.
Did you know?
- It costs approximately $14,000 per year to care for a chimpanzee.
- Chimpanzees live an average of 50 years in captivity.
- Save the Chimps provides lifelong care for 275 chimpanzees.
It is because of your generosity that we are able to care for these amazing beings and provide them with the life they deserve.
Thank you for your support.