Naming Save the Chimps (STC) as a beneficiary of your IRA/other retirement plan, brokerage accounts, life insurance policy, bank accounts, CD, and any other managed account is an easy, fast, and tax-wise way to make a future gift to Save the Chimps to support our mission to provide lifelong refuge and exemplary care to chimpanzees in need.

Retirement accounts are subject to multiple types of taxes and therefore are the best assets to leave to a charity as 100 percent will be paid out without taxes taken out. So don’t leave your IRA to the IRS. These legacy gifts play a significant role in supporting our mission to provide lifelong refuge and exemplary care for chimpanzees in need.

Benefits of this gift

  • You do not need an attorney, simply complete your managed account beneficiary form.
  • These assets will not be included in your taxable estate if designated to STC. Your gift is fully deductible for federal estate-tax purposes and may help reduce the tax burden for your heirs.
  • Avoid the double taxation your retirement savings would incur if you designated your heir as beneficiary. You may be able to escape both income AND estate taxes levied on the residual left in your retirement account. Because STC is a non-profit organization, we won’t pay income tax on the distribution, nor will the gift be subject to estate tax. The entire amount comes to us, and your heirs will benefit from a reduced estate tax burden.
  • Continue to take withdrawals during your lifetime.
  • You can change the provisions at any time if your circumstances change.

How to do this gift

  • Request or download a beneficiary form from your account manager.
  • Name STC as a partial, contingent, or sole beneficiary of your account using Legal Name: Save the Chimps, Inc. and/or Federal Tax ID #: 65-0789748
  • If you are married, you will need to complete a spousal waiver form.
  • With a 401(k) ask if there is an extra step.
  • Naming a beneficiary of your retirement account in your will is not sufficient. You must complete your retirement account beneficiary form as this override what is in your will.
  • Most importantly, notify STC that you have named us, so we are sure to receive your gift and have on file, as many retirement account managers are delaying the disbursement.

Notify Us!

Notifying Save the Chimps of your intended gift will help us plan for the future care of chimpanzees in need.

Click below to complete a Legacy Confirmation Form.

Download Form

Send signed form via email to:
Mike Streeter
Director of Major Gifts


Post Mail to:
Save the Chimps
PO Box 12220
Fort Pierce, FL 34979