Summer Match Campaign ends today

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August is Enrichment month at the Sanctuary and with a generous contribution from our Board of Directors, it’s also been the month of our Summer Match Grant.

Thanks to the outpouring support from our wonderful donors, we’ve reached our goal of $40,000, and we’ll receive the full match grant!

We are grateful to all of our dedicated supporters who have contributed to this campaign, providing funds that will support enrichment activities for our beloved chimpanzees.

If you haven’t yet donated, it’s not too late. Your gift today can put us over the top!

With sincere appreciation,


Molly Polidoroff Molly PolidoroffExecutive Director

P.S. View photos of the chimps enjoying enrichment and learn more about why its so important for them.

Enjoy this great video of Clay loving his raisin board, thanks to your support!




Donors… they are amazing people!