The warm Florida sun, clear blue skies and island homes are awaiting Fort Pierce’s
newest residents– 7 more chimps are coming home!! In just under 24 hours, Roxy,
Marlon, Dylan, Abdul, Janice, Heather and Debbie will arrive and greeted by cheers,
pant hoots and smiling faces .Roxy is a very loving and motherly chimp. Sadly her children were taken
from her at birth and she never had the chance to raise any of them.
She delights in taking care of the babies Marlon & Dylan.
newest residents– 7 more chimps are coming home!! In just under 24 hours, Roxy,
Marlon, Dylan, Abdul, Janice, Heather and Debbie will arrive and greeted by cheers,
pant hoots and smiling faces .Roxy is a very loving and motherly chimp. Sadly her children were taken
from her at birth and she never had the chance to raise any of them.
She delights in taking care of the babies Marlon & Dylan.

Marlon & Dylan were rescued from another facility when they were
newborns. Like most baby chimps, they are playful & fun loving and
will always bring a smile to your face.
newborns. Like most baby chimps, they are playful & fun loving and
will always bring a smile to your face.
Abdul is a unique chimp and sometimes considered to be a bit melodramatic.
Regardless, he is irresistibly cute and although he’s never fathered any of his
own children he has proven to be a great dad to Marlon & Dylan.
Regardless, he is irresistibly cute and although he’s never fathered any of his
own children he has proven to be a great dad to Marlon & Dylan.
Janice is undeniably a very outgoing and sweet chimp.
She loves attention and having her picture taken.
Debbie on the other hand hates the camera.
She is a devoted easygoing chimp and Heather’s best friend.
She is a devoted easygoing chimp and Heather’s best friend.
Heather, confident and headstrong, loves Debbie, but has a reputation
for being cranky towards her caregivers. She loves her
food and blankets, but yells at whoever gives them to her.
That’s okay Heather, we love you anyway.Currently all of our islands are temporarily occupied because we are performing introductions and group formations in Florida. Extra space is always needed to accomplish this so space is at a premium right now. The chimps that are arriving are going to be integrated into groups currently in progress in Florida. Typically we migrate 10 chimps at a time but the decision was made to send less so that Roxy and her family could move. Roxy is elderly and our oldest chimp in New Mexico. We didn’t want Roxy to wait until we could move ten chimps so we decided to get her on the road now; and its clear that the chimps were ready to go. Loading the chimps into their transport cages usually takes anywhere between 4-6 hours. On Monday – much to everyone’s surprise – all the chimps moved into their transport cages the moment they were opened making it an easy day for everyone.
for being cranky towards her caregivers. She loves her
food and blankets, but yells at whoever gives them to her.
That’s okay Heather, we love you anyway.Currently all of our islands are temporarily occupied because we are performing introductions and group formations in Florida. Extra space is always needed to accomplish this so space is at a premium right now. The chimps that are arriving are going to be integrated into groups currently in progress in Florida. Typically we migrate 10 chimps at a time but the decision was made to send less so that Roxy and her family could move. Roxy is elderly and our oldest chimp in New Mexico. We didn’t want Roxy to wait until we could move ten chimps so we decided to get her on the road now; and its clear that the chimps were ready to go. Loading the chimps into their transport cages usually takes anywhere between 4-6 hours. On Monday – much to everyone’s surprise – all the chimps moved into their transport cages the moment they were opened making it an easy day for everyone.
As with each migration, the feelings are bittersweet. The dedicated care staff in New Mexico celebrates the new lives that await their beloved friends but also can’t help but feel sad as they say goodbye to their chimp family.
Thank you to all of you who sponsored these chimps.
Thank you to all of you who love the chimps and provide continued support.
It is your generosity that makes our work possible.
We couldn’t do it without you.
82 chimps are still in New Mexico.
69 chimps are still in need of sponsorship.
Your generosity can bring them home.