Hurricane Ian Update

We’d like to thank everyone for your concern and well wishes. The sanctuary fared well during the storm. The chimps nested indoors through the night with extra blankets and enrichment.

Prior to the chimps being released, structures and islands were checked for damage and debris. Trees were down, many branches everywhere, and damage to the roofs of the structures that cover our hay. We are continuing to evaluate for other structural damage around the property. We’re very fortunate, it could have been much worse.

A big thank you to our staff for preparing the sanctuary for the storm, the ride-out crew for staying during the storm to ensure the safety and care of our residents, and the staff who braved the winds today to return to the sanctuary, and to you, our supporters.

The rebuilding process has already begun. Maintaining our campus is a full-time job, and investing in safety for our staff and chimpanzee residents is all because of supporters like you! Any donations you send today will help us handle repairs and rebuilding. Setting up a monthly recurring donation, even as much as $5, can help us stay prepared for the future.