Nearly one hundred chimp-lovers like you have given to our Board Match Challenge to help us double our fundraising this summer! And we need you to keep the momentum going!
Of course, we’re grateful to all who have already given. But there’s a problem …
You see, our generous Board Members have promised $175,000 in matching funds but to receive the full amount we first have to raise $175,000 by August 14 from caring people like you. That’s where the challenge comes in! We need your help now …
Please make double the difference by making your gift now.
If we can raise the $175,000 and match those dollars with the funds from our Board, we’ll have $350,000 that we can use to provide daily care for our resident chimpanzees. And believe me those funds are urgently needed.
25% of our chimp population is elderly, in need of specialized medical and dietary care. Several of our residents have PTSD and behavioral challenges due to their past treatment, and are in need of sensitive and professional care plans to help them heal. Your help can make the difference.
In fact, today your gift will be matched dollar for dollar to make double the difference for the chimpanzees in our care:
- $15 will be doubled to be worth $30
- $25 will be doubled to be worth $50
- If you can donate an extra generous $100 it will be matched and doubled to $200
- Any amount you give today can be doubled!
We still have a long way to go in this campaign and we don’t have much more time to raise the rest. We can’t do it without your help, so please join with us today! Every dollar counts, and I’m hoping you will help just as generously as you can. Won’t you please give now?