On September 16, 2002, Save the Chimps’ late founder Dr. Carole Noon was handed the keys to one of the most notorious primate research labs in history, The Coulston Foundation. In that instant, 266 chimpanzees locked away in their barren cages were rescued from their years of exploitation as biomedical research subjects, and given the promise of a new and brighter future.
This historic day has become known at Save the Chimps as “Bananaversary” and is celebrated each year with a special party for the chimps. The islands are festooned with yellow streamers, dried pineapple and other goodies are scattered in the grass, and bananas galore are tucked into every nook and cranny for the chimps to discover. It is a joy to watch the chimpanzees enjoy the festivities, knowing that each Bananaversary brings the chimpanzees a year further away from the horrors they once endured.
It is thanks to YOU that Save the Chimps has celebrated 12 Bananaversaries, and looks forward to celebrating many more.
Without your support, we could not provide the chimpanzees with the care that they need and deserve. You have made an incredible difference in their lives, and given us and them a reason to celebrate.
Tonight we hope you’ll raise a glass—or perhaps a banana!—to the chimps and to you!
Happy Bananaversary!
Share a photo of you and your friends raising a banana in honor of the chimpanzees on facebook, instagram, or twitter and watch for our photos of staff and volunteers raising their bananas.
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Enjoy this video of Save the Chimps’ residents celebrating Bananaversary |
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