
Val & Donna at Chimps Kitchen


Our volunteers are invaluable part of Save the Chimps helping us in all areas of need from preparing endless meals, making enrichment, preparing promotional packets, doing laundry, shredding paper, cleaning chimp buildings, tabling events…the list goes on and on!!!! This month we would like to pay tribute to two very special people who so generously committed so much of their time and hearts to helping not only the chimps but us humans too ~ Valerine Hart and Donna Dicks. Valerie, better known as Val, flew in from New Mexico and dedicated four full weeks to volunteering at the sanctuary. Donna also came from across the country. Donna left California for six weeks to devote herself to volunteering. Their hard work accomplished so much and their commitment was an inspiration to us all.
Thank you Val and Donna for being a friend to us all…humans included.

We miss you.


To learn more about how you can become a volunteer, visit