About Me
I was born June 20, 1994, at the Coulston Foundation research laboratory in Alamogordo, NM, to my mother, Karen, and father, Bubba. I remained with my mother for two days before being forcibly removed from her and taken to the laboratory nursery. Based on my records, I was never assigned to a biomedical research study. I shared a cage with five other male chimps my age.
In 2002, Save the Chimps took over the Coulston Foundation and rescued me. Today I live on a three-acre island at Save the Chimps in Fort Pierce, FL. I am a member of a large chimpanzee family known as Ron’s Family. I am energetic and playful, and I enjoy painting as an enrichment activity.
- Ron
Favorite Things
- Noisy Toys
- Buckets
- Enrichment
- Mysterious
- Charming
- Energetic
- Tough