About Me
On March 12, 1986, six chimpanzees arrived at the Coulston Foundation (TCF) from the Buckshire Corporation. I was among these chimpanzees. There is a mystery of what happened to me from birth up until 1997 — no records save for some hand-written blood work values are in my file. From 1997-2001, the only records that exist are notes from annual physicals, as well as “behavioral profiles” filled out by individuals who apparently didn’t know me very well; they thought I was a male.
When Save the Chimps rescued me in 2002, they found me living with Mary Jane in Building 300, aka The Dungeon. Mary Jane had also arrived with me on March 12, 1986. It is unknown if we had lived together since our arrival, but it was obvious that we were very good friends. It’s a good thing we were because we were forced to share a dismal indoor/outdoor cage that offered a mere 120 square feet of floor space, and was only 6 feet high. Our only piece of “furniture” was a perch intended for a single chimpanzee.
In 2002, my life changed dramatically. Mary Jane and I moved out of The Dungeon & joined a large family group that today is known as Freddy’s Group. Today I live with my family on a multi-acre island complete with a covered bridge. Sadly, Mary Jane has since passed away. Fortunately, I will only know the beauty of my island, the companionship of other chimps, and the loving care of compassionate humans for the rest of my life.
- Freddy
Favorite Things
- My Friends
- Lettuce
- Watermelon
- Friendly
- Dignified
- Respected
- Sweet