About Me
In Loving Memory
I was born May 22, 1981 at the Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Surgery in Primates (LEMSIP) to my mother Nancy and father Rufe. In my toddler years and throughout my adolescence, I was sedated for blood draws, liver biopsies, bone marrow aspirates, and other procedures eight to thirty three times per year. In 1996 I was sent to The Coulston Foundation (TCF) in Alamogordo, NM. I was used in the breeding program and in 1999 gave birth to a son, Elway. Elway was removed from my care and sent to the laboratory nursey to be raised by humans.
On September 16, 2002, my life changed for the better when I was rescued by Save the Chimps when they took over TCF. I am now a part of Alice’s Family (along with my son, Elway) where I enjoy fresh food and a lush island to explore along with a chimp family. My BFFs are: Tash, Lea, and Pamela. My caregivers like to call me “Momo Toes.” I like to stick my toes toward the caregivers and wiggle them.
- NA
Favorite Things
- My best friend, Tash
- Fruit (I always ask for seconds)
- Sweet
- Sassy
- Independent