Hello, my name is





Rescued From


About Me

I was born at The Coulston Foundation (TCF), a biomedical research lab in Alamogordo, NM, on December 10, 1984, to my mother Sally, and father Chuck. I was taken from my mother and raised in the nursery. I then spent the first part of my life in biomedical research.

On September 16, 2002, I was rescued by Save the Chimps when they took over TCF. I am now a member of Alice’s family where I enjoy fresh food and exploring an island with my family and my best friend, Holly.

I like to be with my friends all the time. If I am in a separate room from them, I will let my caregivers know by knocking on the sliders until they let me in with them. I also like to let my caregivers know I am in control of a situation. For example, if I don’t want to move from the slider, I will sit on the tracks with confidence knowing she has the control.


  • Alice

Favorite Things

  • Friends
  • Island
  • Chow


  • Sweet
  • Reserved
  • Confident