About Me
I was born May 24, 1999 at the Coulston Foundation research laboratory in Alamogordo, NM to my mother Peggy and father Boy. I was near death when I was born but was resuscitated and returned to my mother Peggy. Peggy was a wonderful mother in every way, except she did not know how to nurse me. Sadly, the next day I was weak and was taken from my mother and sent to the nursery.
Fortunately, I was never used as a subject in any biomedical research protocols. I did have to endure “knockdowns” for physicals and blood draws at a very young age. Otherwise, I lived with a group of other young chimps, including my brother Elway.
In 2002, Save the Chimps rescued me. Within a few months I moved to Florida. I captured the hearts of everyone at Save the Chimps. I am very friendly, outgoing, and kind to both chimps and humans. I also have a quirky behavior of tilting my head from side to side, a mannerism that I have had since I was just a few months old. I am so beloved by the staff of Save the Chimps that by popular vote, my entire family was named after me: Kiley’s Family. Today I spend my days roaming my large island, hanging out at “The Saloon” (a large platform on my island where my family likes to gather), and playing with my friends Ariel and Jaybee.
- Kiley
Favorite Things
- Oranges
- Unbreakable Mirrors
- Socks
- Clever
- Curious
- Friendly
- Happy
- Beautiful