About Me
I was born on November 15, 1997, to my parents Tina and Conrad in a medical research laboratory. I was lucky, most chimpanzees in laboratories are separated from their mothers at birth or as adolescents. I, however, remained with my mother and I still live with her today. In 2000, Tina and Katina were retired from research and sent to the Wildlife Animal Orphanage in Texas.
When that sanctuary closed for financial reasons, Save the Chimps rescued Tina, me, and nine other chimpanzees and brought them to Florida. I am fond of mirrors and blankets, but what I love more than anything is being with my mom. We are always together whether we are roaming the island or snuggling in a blanket nest.
- Tapioca
Favorite Things
- My Chimp Family
- The Island
- Exploring
- Courageous
- Confident
- Spirited