About Me
I was born to parents Mandy and Larry on July 3, 1997. At fourteen months old I was taken from my mother and sent to the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia where I was used in hepatitis studies. As a toddler I loved pretty much any food I was offered, especially unusual produce such as kiwi and greens.
These days I’m one of the first to greet caregivers with my distinctive voice when they come into the building. I still enjoy food and often convince my caregivers to slip me any leftovers at the end of the meal. I also lived in the group with my mother, Mandy, up until her passing. Although I still carry some emotional scars from my time in research, overall I’m a happy chimp enjoying retirement, surrounded by a chimp family and human caregivers who love me.
- Seve
Favorite Things
- Oranges
- Dried Fruit
- Talkative
- Sensitive