About Me
I was born in a medical laboratory, the Coulston Foundation, to my parents, Penny and Jeb, on April 9, 1997. During my first few months, I lived with my mother, my father, and three other adult females. I was then allowed to stay with my mother for a few short months until I was taken away permanently. At just one and a half years old, I was placed on a truck and sent cross country to Bioqual, a research center in Rockville, MA. When I first arrived, I lived with three other chimpanzees my age until, gradually, I was left alone.
Save the Chimps had many tasks to accomplish after taking over The Coulston Foundation in 2002. One of those was to arrange the return of the chimps who had been loaned to other research facilities. Chimpanzee introductions were ongoing, and group formations had begun. I became a part of Tapioca’s family. I am more likely to hang back a little bit while the more eager chimps are front and center greeting the caregivers, but I warm up and will ask people to play with me. I migrated to Florida in December 2011. I like to keep up with the ladies in the group and find ways to make them happy. This means giving up my food in exchange for affection from the girls. But I also know the care staff are always there with another fruit or veggie to replace the one I gave away, making it a win-win situation! With my research days behind me, I have made an amazing transformation, and I enjoy life as it comes.
- Tapioca
Favorite Things
- Bananas
- Dried Fruit
- Nesting in Hay
- Social with his family
- Curious
- Energetic