About Me
I was born at The Coulston Foundation (TCF) a biomedical research laboratory in Alamogordo, NM to my mother Mary Jane, and father Bubba. I spent the first part of my life in biomedical research. On September 16, 2002, my life changed for the better when I was rescued by Save the Chimps when they took over TCF. I am now a part of Alice’s Family where I enjoy fresh food and a large island to explore along with a large chimp family. I am a handsome, robust, and friendly chimp. I know how to get my caregivers’ attention with a unique vocalization, “Haach!” whether I want a tickle or an extra apple. I get along well with everyone, human and chimp alike. I have boundless energy, I am always up for a game of chase, and on the island in Florida, I can run at full speed through the grass and up the hills with nothing in my way to stop me!
- Alice
Favorite Things
- Mustard
- Nuts
- Jake and Elway
- Sweet
- Goofy
- Expressive