About Me
I was born April 10, 1996, to my mother Montessa, and my father Carlos at The Coulston Foundation, a biomedical research lab in Alamogordo, NM. Unlike many of the baby chimps born at The Coulston Foundation, I was allowed to stay with my mother for just over a year. We lived with another mother and daughter, Irma and baby Jean. Then in June 1997, I was taken from Montessa and brought to the nursery along with Jean. In September, at the age of just 18 months, me, Jean, and four other chimps were shipped to Bioqual, a research laboratory in Maryland.
Fortunately for me, Save the Chimps was given custody of the chimps loaned out by Coulston to other laboratories, and I came home in 2004 along with my longtime companion Jean. In 2008, Jean and I moved to Florida, where an island paradise awaited us. For the first time in my life, I walked on grass and sat under trees. Today, I am a member of Late’s Group where I am adored by the males in the group, especially Dwight, Ace, and Manny.
- Late
Favorite Things
- Rupiah
- Blankets
- Apples
- Calm
- Kind
- Friendly