About Me
I was born to my parents Lisa and Emory on February 1, 1999, in the Coulston Foundation. My mother was allowed to raise me until adulthood, instead of being taken away at birth like most chimps born in the lab. When Save the Chimps took over the Coulston Foundation in September 2002, I was only two and a half years old and I had never been used in any research. Over the years I have been very attached to my mother and sometimes become worried if she is apart from me. I have a habit of sitting behind her and rocking back and forth. If my mother isn’t available, I will find someone else to rock with, usually Daphne or Olida. When choosing a room for meals, I prefer to eat with my mom. We are members of Rufus’ family, one of the largest groups at Save the Chimps. My earliest memories are of exploring my world under my mother’s watchful eye. When I migrated to Florida, I experienced the freedom of running around the island and a loving family to explore it with. I am young and much of my story is still being written. What Save the Chimps does know is that being in a sanctuary will allow me greater freedom to make decisions about my own life.
- Rufus
Favorite Things
- Running
- My mom
- Carrots
- Loving
- Reserved
- Quirky