About Me
Please join us in honoring the memory of Alison.
At 54, Alison was among the most senior residents at Save the Chimps, known for her quiet strength and devotion. She was one of the dwindling group of surviving chimps wild-caught in Africa and shipped to the U.S. for medical experiments.
Alison was purchased by the Coulston Foundation from an animal trader when she was five and used in tests that involved weekly blood draws until she was ten, when she was transferred to a breeding program. Over the next twenty years, she gave birth to at least eight babies, most of whom were taken away immediately, which caused her deep anxiety. She was allowed to help raise three of them, however, and records note that Alison was one of the “best mothers” and that “she raised big, healthy babies with strong survival skills.”
Alison’s first three decades may have been marked by misery and confinement, but her last two were filled with freedom and companionship on the grass-covered island at Save the Chimps known as Tapioca’s. She spent the majority of her time with Sally, another elderly resident who is now 51. Her island family also included several rambunctious young males, but feisty Alison wasn’t someone who could be pushed around. She was loyal to her chimp friends, though slow to warm up to her human caregivers. But once an individual gained her trust, Alison showed her sweet, gentle side.
Since 2021, Alison had been treated for skin lesions but recently stopped responding to medication. As the painful lesions spread, tests showed that she was suffering from an aggressive form of cancer. Due to these quality-of-life concerns and the poor prognosis, the chimp care team and veterinary staff made the decision to humanely euthanize her on May 1. We mourn her loss but are thankful to have known her. Alison, who made countless friends in her golden years at Save the Chimps, will always remain in our hearts.
- NA
Favorite Things
- Sally
- My Island
- Retirement
- Quiet
- Strong
- Devoted
My Videos
Alison Enjoying Kong Enrichment